One of the best ways to help the Podencos at Ibizan Hound Rescue is to donate a one off payment, or set up a recurring sponsorship in any amount you choose for one of our pods. Recurring donations are a huge help to offset the day to day expenses of caring for our rescue.


Date of Birth: 03/08/2015

Coy is a beautiful large male podenco who has been with us for a long time.
Despite all his time here he remains very nervous of humans and sadly has had little to no interest so the decision was made to keep him with us where he remains settled and knows the people and dogs around him.


Date of Birth: Sept 2012

Dylan came to us at the age of 18 months, off the streets from nearby Albox. He had a home in the UK but on his exit health check he was found to have an enlarged heart and not fit to travel and had to remain here. He is still with us, enjoying life to the full. He has heart tablets twice a day and sees a heart specialist every 2 years.


Date of Birth: January 2020.

Gloria was brought to the vets suffering with Parvo. She was saved by the good work of the vets but unfortunately the Parvo has wrecked her intestines. She was tested for food intolerance and treated by an holistic vet using acupuncture. Gloria is now on a special diet of fresh white fish and potatoes only.


Date of Birth: 01/03/13

Ellie is a gentle older lady who is positive for low level leishmania and lives with an existing heart problem.

Due to her health problems and because she is older she will stay at the rescue in Spain and will be able to live out her days with no stress and basking in the sun.